New manufacturing technology.
Smart printing, like a sculptor
We develop the technology of smart manufacturing, like a printer, while layers are deposited of surface electro-activate nano-droplets, that allows to achieve the accuracy of the layer and a controlled porosity. Applications is the flexible, different shaped, textile integrated electronics, solar cells, batteries, bio-inspired membranes.

PhotoChem Electronics LLC develops technologies and equipment for accurate nano-printing of various materials and has made R&D layer-by-layer printing of a number of solar cell designs that are patented
The technology combines several printing methods and various materials. Due to the fact that we researched to print materials for electronics together with photopolymers, we managed to produce products on one device, which previously could be produced only in large factories. This is a close step to ensure that everyone can produce and sell their goods.
It will be possible to realize many bold designs, which at one time could be too expensive and unprofitable. For example, electronic prostheses are made every time to order, and are expensive. And you can print it from electro-active polymers with sensors on the entire surface, connected to the nerves. With such a hand a person can not only move, but feel. That is, you can almost immediately produce individually
NanoPrinter with the ability to print various materials. We developed technologies and ink for solar cells and optical materials, but also develops ink and printing methods for membranes and batteries.
Solar window (Shown on video). This window separates the infrared radiation from the visible light and directs it to the solar panels. Sunlight more than half consists of infrared light, which we do not see, but can feel when it heats objects. Visible light passes on and illuminates the room, but does not heat up. So, we generate electricity, but we do not miss the heat. 1 square meter gives about 100 watts of electricity, while maintaining transparency. This allows building buildings with zero energy consumption in countries with hot climates. The planned price per square meter of a double-glazed window after the launch of production is 150-200 Euro.

High efficiency flexible solar cells. The material is either a durable CIGS with an efficiency of 14%, or a perovskite with an efficiency of 20% and a service life of about 3 years. In the future, we plan to obtain an efficiency of 25% of the perovskite batteries. Now the market includes backpacks with an efficiency of batteries of about 10%
High-efficiency solar batteries with liquid lenses with an efficiency of 30% for use in cars. Liquid lenses move the focus along with the sun, thanks to the ability to maintain efficiency when driving and turning the vehicle. The thickness of such a battery is 3 mm
ultra-light and highly efficient batteries, which are made of strong composite materials. There is also a tracking of the sun, but with a thickness of about 1 mm. The main application for feeding unmanned aerial vehicles
Product directions shown on picture below, details in Projects

We are creative, friendly international team of including chemists, physicists, engineers, programmers, electronic engineers and specialists in commercialization. We have implemented several major international research projects between Russia, Germany, India and France, and now we want to commercialize results of our development.
Dmitry Lopatin, co-founder, CEO
Oleg Baranov, co-founder, CTO
Elizaveta Korzhova, chemical engineer
The company's development centers are located in Germany (Stuttgart, RIVA Solar GmbH), Russia (Krasnodar, PhotoChem Electronics LLC), India (New Delhi, NanoPrinting LLC), and collaborate with research centers in France, India and Russia. You can find and contact us here.