Investing in us and making pre-orders is now easy.
You can buy our digital assets - tokens SolarLab.
PhotoChem Electronics LLC and Solar NanoPrinting LLC develops technologies and equipment for accurate nano-printing of various materials and has made R&D layer-by-layer printing of a number of solar cell designs that are patented
The technology combines several printing methods and various materials. Due to the fact that we researched to print materials for electronics together with photopolymers, we managed to produce products on one device, which previously could be produced only in large factories. This is a close step to ensure that everyone can produce and sell their goods.
It will be possible to realize many bold designs, which at one time could be too expensive and unprofitable. For example, electronic prostheses are made every time to order, and are expensive. And you can print it from electro-active polymers with sensors on the entire surface, connected to the nerves. With such a hand a person can not only move, but feel. That is, you can almost immediately produce individually
Therefore, we came up with the idea that buying and selling printer-factories, materials-ink and products should be decentralized, for the crypto currency.
Therefore, we came up with the idea that buying and selling printer-factories, materials-ink and products should be decentralized, for the crypto currency. Our team considers crypto-currencies as an opportunity to work and live globally outside the borders of countries, for the benefit of the people of the whole planet.
For the experiment, we have released 20 million digital shares - SolarLab tokens, tied to the planned products. Thus, any person from any country and social role can invest in our project, and if he changes his mind, he can always resell his tokens. Our team wants the token to become a decentralized bargaining system in the decentralized ecosystem of digital mini-factories in the future. Token ID 6sosMnsaCM5iowMjdPHXDJNrByrw8L8SQCDeD2xoNeK4 on the Waves DEX platform
The initial price of one token is 1 euro. The minimum goal is to sell 300,000 SolarLab tokens. Before ICO itself, we sell a limited number of tokens at a lower price of four months.
Models of investment
Pre-order products. Crowdfunding. A certain number of tokens corresponds to a fixed product. This is crowdfunding, similar to KickStarter and Indiegogo, but with the opportunity to resell your investment in a project or a specific product of the project, you can return your investments to the company's tokens at any time and resell your token. The starting price, as a rule, is 1.5-2 less than the planned retail or wholesale.
a) 100 tokens are equal to 1 square meter of the solar window . This window separates the infrared radiation from the visible light and directs it to the solar panels. Sunlight more than half consists of infrared light, which we do not see, but can feel when it heats objects. Visible light passes on and illuminates the room, but does not heat up. So, we generate electricity, but we do not miss the heat. 1 square meter gives about 100 watts of electricity, while maintaining transparency. This allows building buildings with zero energy consumption in countries with hot climates. The planned price per square meter of a double-glazed window after the launch of production is 150-200 Euro.
b) also 100 tokens are a hat or a backpack with built-in solar cells. The material is either a durable CIGS with an efficiency of 14%, or a perovskite with an efficiency of 20% and a service life of about 3 years. In the future, we plan to obtain an efficiency of 25% of the perovskite batteries. Now the market includes backpacks with an efficiency of batteries of about 10%
c) 400 tokens are already sunny clothes such as jackets, vests.
d) 1500 tokens is a square meter of high-performance batteries with liquid lenses with an efficiency of 30% for use in cars. Liquid lenses move the focus along with the sun, thanks to the ability to maintain efficiency when driving and turning the vehicle. The thickness of such a battery is 3 mm
e) 5000 tokens are ultra-light and highly efficient batteries, which are made of strong composite materials. There is also a tracking of the sun, but with a thickness of about 1 mm. The main application for feeding unmanned aerial vehicles
f) 100000 tokens is a NanoPrinter with the ability to print various materials. We developed technologies and ink for solar cells and optical materials, but also develops ink and printing methods for membranes and batteries.
i) You can also offer your wishes for products in the ICO process, we will be able to assess the feasibility, cost of development, production costs and timing, and how many tokens it will cost.
In the investment process, you can specify the desired investment objective, which can be changed in the future. In this case, we will be able to know the demand for the products being developed. Those who invested the most amount of tokens in each direction will have an advantage in the first beta test.
Product directions shown on picture below, details in Projects
Crowd-investing. The buyer of tokens invests in the project and can receive all the advantages of ordinary investors. That is, he can receive the opportunity to receive dividends of the company, and can resell his share after a while at a higher price.
According to the conclusion of legal advisers based on the Howey test applicable to such cases, the SolarLab token should not be treated as securities and do not need to be registered as collateral. But they can be converted into securities.
Now our companies are private (Russia, Germany, India), however we want to issue shares of one of the companies that has shares in all others and make it public. These shares can be bought for tokens. We plan to issue shares to the stock exchange after receiving ICO results.
Getting shares in private companies for tokens is also possible, but it is much more difficult to implement from a legal point of view and will most likely be individually in each case
And by the way for fans of crypto-currencies - the chain of the crypto-currency->SolarLab token->the company's share on the stock exchange can be interesting in terms of transfer from crypto-currency cash flows to ordinary cash flows.
Funds received through the ICO are not currently the main for the team and we in any case are developing these products. If during the Pre-ICO we do not sell 70,000 tokens, then we can extend the Pre-ICO for another 30 days. Therefore, we can name the exact terms of the main sale of the tokens after the Pre-ICO Emission, that is, the additional release of the SolarLab token is not planned, since it will reduce the cost of the already purchased tokens
Expense structure. 12% of the tokens are not sold during the ICO and remain with the founders and can be sold after the ICO in the course of the project. Of these, 8-5% remain with two founders, 3-7% of tokens can be transferred to developers and team members, and 0.5-1% can be distributed during an advertising campaign (bounty-campaign). 70% of the funds from the sold tokens we plan to withdraw to normal currencies (fiat) in a short time after the ICO, in 1-2 months, because we need to purchase equipment, materials, pay salaries to employees and freelancers. 30% of the funds from the sold tokens, we plan to withdraw from the crypto currency closer to the end of the project.
The proceeds from the sale of tokens are a supplement to the invested funds, which will help us to be more flexible in development, to implement more bold technical solutions and to attract more people to the team and rather release the product.
Investments in the development amounted to 200 000 euros at the moment. The company's development centers are located in Germany (Stuttgart, RIVA Solar GmbH), Russia (Krasnodar, PhotoChem Electronics LLC), India (New Delhi, NanoPrinting LLC), and joint development with research centers in France. We are planning to withdraw money from Crypto-currency into ordinary ones through a subsidiary in Switzerland or the Isle of Man, where operations with crypto-currencies are allowed.
Roadmap of the project.
10 August- 15 December 70000 tokens Presale
10 August-15 November 30000 tokens
1000 SOL =500 EUR= 0.10478 BTC= 1,94183 ETH= 1,813BCH= 152.244Waves
15 November-15 December 40000 tokens
1000SOL=700EUR= 0.14669BTC= 2.7185564ETH= 2.53826BTH= 213.142Waves
Exchange fixed according for CoinGekko for all Pre-ICO time
Currencies accepted: BTC, ETH, Waves, BCH, Euro, USD
The exact dates will be announced after Pre-ICO results
Start date: January 8, 2018 - 23:59:59 UTC
End date: February 20, 2018 - 23:59:59 UTC
Price per token: EUR 1
Minimum Target: 300,000 SOL (~ 300,000 Euro)
Maximum target: 20,000,000 SOL
Distribution: 88% SOL (Token Holders) + 12 % SOL (founders)
Currencies accepted: BTC, ETH, Waves, BCH, Euro, USD
Post-ICO. Project processing
February 2018-August 2018. Developing the printer and products
August 2018 -March 2019. Beta -test of products
April-June 2019 - Start of Sell.
Expected results.
Expected results one year after ICO depend on the amount invested and the number of tokens sold. All participants will receive their pre-orders, but the first priority for investors with the largest amount of pre-order
300000 -500000 tokens - Printer production, 1-2 models with nano ink samples for different applications, printer software development, 3 square meters of solar window, 5 square meters of solar clothing
500000-1000000 tokens - Printer manufacturing, 2-3 models with nano ink samples for different applications, printer software development, 6 square meters of solar window, 10 square meters of solar clothing,
1000000-5000000 Production of a printer, 4-5 models with nano ink samples for different applications, development of printer programs, 20 square meters of solar window, 30 square meters of solar clothing, several solar battery samples for electric vehicles 0.3 square meters
5000000-2000000 tokens
Production of printer-factory, 6-8 semi-industrial models with nano ink samples for different applications, development of printer programs, 50 square meters of solar window, 100 square meters of solar clothing, several solar cell samples with liquid lenses for ground, water, air transport area of 1 square meter
P.S. - we do not consider ourselves experts in the field of crypto-currency and ICO, we do not plan so that we will take into account any comments and suggestions

Whitepaper of SolarNanoPrint in Russian
Whitepaper of SolarNanoPrint in English
Step-By-Step Guide To Get Your SolarLab token

Download Waves wallet here:
Create an account. Here is detailed information on how you can do it:
After you log in to your account, you will need to fund your account with Waves or other currency. You can buy it with credit card by clicking DEPOSIT (€30-200 limit)

Second option is to buy Waves with Bitcoins or Ethereum on the Waves Decentralized Exchange (DEX):
a) send BTC/ETH to your Waves wallet
b) click the DEX icon, scroll the page down, type the necessary amount and get some Waves
Now you are ready to get SolarLab tokens!
Enter SolarLab token Asset ID in addition to Bitcoin trading pair:
And enter amount of SolarLab
Our exclusive 50% discount exchange rate is valid till the 15st of November 2017
Now it 1 SolarLab =0.5 Euro=0.00010478 Bitcoins

Or deposit Bitcoin and other currencies


Or you can use another pairs. Available now Waves, Etherium, Bitcoin Cash
If you have any questions email us
We use this data for made personal cabinet of each investor. It can be anonymous, only email. Wallet ID need to identify buyer of tokens.
You can make pre-order by PayPal , summary and dates for products same as for the pre-ICO