our projects
Company Solar NanoPrinting LLC develops technologies and equipment for accurate nano-printing of various materials and has made R&D layer-by-layer printing of a number of solar cell designs that are patented.

We have developed a technology to turn windows into solar panels. Sunlight more than half consists of infrared light, which we do not see, but we can feel it when it heats up.
Our window separates the infrared light from the visible and directs it to a solar battery, thin as a jalousie, which converts it into electricity. Visible light passes on and illuminates the room, but does not heat up. In this way we generate electricity, but do not miss the heat.
Efficiency now is 11%, can be increased to 16-17%. This is about 110 watts per square meter of double-glazed windows.
If you take the area of Burj El Khalifa, an area of 334,000 m² then, considering that on average only half the building, then 110x334000 / 2, there will be 18.37 MW, and for the light day there will be 367.400 kWh, peak consumption of the tower 30-50 MW. Its mean that we can 50 % of skyscraper load.
There are developments of a similar orientation, we can mention translucent batteries based on dyes (due sensibilised solar cells), brown, red, yellow and green colors, which can be used like stained glass windows. They were developed by Mikael Gratzel's group from the Lausanne Polytechnic School. The efficiency of such batteries is about 5-7%. They absorb a part of the visible light, and the other part is passed. In this case, the infrared part is captured only partially
There are also solar cells on quantum dots that absorb mainly the infrared part of the light, but the efficiency of such a battery is only about 3-4% so far.
Also, there are batteries based on phosphors, where the light falls on the phosphor and is re-emitted to solar batteries along the perimeter of the window. The efficiency of such systems also does not exceed 3-5%.
Also there were windows where the lens is built, but they distort the visible picture.
Thus, in the market now there are no solar cells for windows with an acceptable conversion efficiency and minimally disruptive windows function.


Fashion design. Flexible.
17 % power efficiency.
10 W from one hat.
100 SolarLab tokens for solar powered hat and backpack
This is approximately 2 iPhones.
Can be integrated in jakets, cloak and other clothes.
Problem. Current printing technology of nano-layers and 3d printing has some drawbacks that prevent their spread. Our technology allows us to achieve a high degree of uniformity and adhesion due to the small size of the droplets. Electrical activation droplets and nanoparticles allows achieving adhesion layer to a wider class of substances, so that the product can be printed in full cycle. Elements of artificial intelligence and neural networks in digital recognition and printing control can reduce the amount of rejection to zero.
This way to modern research of solar cells, batteries, fuel cells, membranes in universities and companies require rapid prototyping of different design options. This would speed up the research process. Therefore, we believe that no less than 1,000 laboratories could buy our printer.
Solution and product. We develop the technology of smart manufacturing, like a printer, while layers are deposited of surface electro-activate nano-droplets, that allows to achieve the accuracy of the layer thickness of 50 nm and a controlled porosity. The printer no longer blind, and can scan and correct their mistakes, like craftsmen. Applications is the individual manufacturing for flexible, different shaped, textile integrated electronics, solar cells, batteries, bio-inspired membranes We can form a very small droplet size of less than a micrometer and compress their flow, but due to the activation of the surface, they do not stick together. High Definition Camera and sensors scan the surface and digital recognize, and comparing the recognized drawing with the original, you can avoid mistakes
Your computer is inserted into a pattern of future products and materials selected for each layer. The printer cartridges are inserted with the correct materials. The printer attached storage, which will be printed materials. Turn on the scanner and it digitizes its shape. Next on the computer selected location on a digitized workpiece where printing will occur. During printing, the scanner compares the printed object with a pattern and displays percentages. If the discrepancy is strong, then the printer head back and corrects
We focused on solar cells, optics and elecrocemical materials
Howewer, possibly to use print foloewing devices:
1.Solar cells a)Tandem solar cells with bottom silicon,b) CIGS Roof shape solar cells c) Metal-surface solar cells d) Porouse textile clothes with integrated flexible solar cells e) Integrated solar cells with OLEDS Metal print back electrode and contacts Nonlinear optical plastics : flat solar concentrator
2.Membranes a) Electrodyalysis membranes, nanoporosity control membranes Desalination, selection cleaning food processing industry, milk, jus, wine b) Ultrafiltration membranes c) Fuel cell proton exchange membranes d) Membranes for accumulator batteries, redox electrolyte batteries e) Bio-inspired medical membranes (hyaluronic acid, ) Hemodialysis, artificial kidney.
3 Transparent conductive oxide (laser plasma cold deposition) a) Silicon solar cells covering - increase efficiency 2-3 % , because decrease resistive losses b) OLEDs Screens, different shapes, flexible c) Smart window glass (electrochromic)
4. Electronics a) Different shape electronics printed circuit board b) Multi layers printed circuit board c)Transparent electronics components d)Flexible, textile integrated electronics e) Printed metal conductive lines k) Printed resistor, capacitors l) Printed diodes, transistors , logic (low repeated parameters)
5. Accumulator batteries a) Al-air batteries b) Zinc-air batteries c) Li – ion electrodes with control porosity,d) membranes for electrolyte separation graphene batteries
6.Printed composite advanced materials a) Aerospace: smart materials with sensors integrated, b) Self cleaning, self healing c) Meta-material, multiferroic printing.
100000 tokens

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The secret of good printing of electronics is in the creation of nanoparticles. Of these, as a brick, you can make a material, while the layer is durable due to van der Waals forces, those that hold a gecko on the glass. These forces act, if the particles are brought closer together, to less than 100 nanometers, and the particles must be smaller than this size.
When the dimensions are reduced, many properties of the substance change, for example, the melting point
And, finally, as the particles of a substance decrease, their cost greatly increases, from 100 to 500 times with a decrease to 10 nanometers. This is due to the separation of smaller particles from large particles during centrifugation. In ink usually leaves less than 5% of the original substances, which is reflected in the price
Our team developed the technology of nanoparticle preparation and a device that allows to significantly increase the efficiency of production of nanoparticles
We also developed a computer model and a profile of each material that allows us to predict its properties and choose the best way to apply it to the mold.
Liquid Solar lenses for transport

One of the pilot uses of the nano-printer is solar cells for cars based on microlenses. The use of solar cells for specially designed vehicles has already become a reality. There were also gliders and cars, powered from the sun
The main problems are a limitation in size, which is why it is necessary to use solar panels of maximum efficiency and a change in the direction of incidence of the rays due to traffic,
The maximum efficiency at the current time have arsenide gallium batteries, serial samples of about 30-35%. However, their cost is tens and hundreds of times greater than silicon batteries. Therefore, they are usually used together with concentrators. For concentrators, a tracking system is needed, otherwise, when the focus is shifted, their effectiveness decreases. Until recently, there was no tracking system that could be installed on a moving object
In the case of an efficiency of 30%, you can get about 300 watts per square meter. In the case of an average electric vehicle, we have at least 3 square meters, which will give about a kilowatt of power. The electric car itself consumes an average of about 20 kW. The battery capacity of the Tesla Model S is 85 kWh, while on one charge it can travel 426 km. Thus, for 10 hours of parking in the sun of an electric vehicle, it can be charged for 10 kWh or 50 km of travel.
Also, solar panels must be made with a curvature of the surface, which repeats the curvature of the vehicle
As for aircraft, the weight of the solar battery is of great importance here